March 3, 2025


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Amazon Prime is also experiencing price increases in Canada

Amazon Prime is also experiencing price increases in Canada

We announced it in early February Amazon Had announced a price increase for its subscription Amazon-Prime In the United States, the monthly subscription cost from 12.99 $ 14.99The annual subscription was 119 $ 139.

We now know that its neighbor is the second country to experience this price increase CanadaWhere will they go from paying 8 p.m. 10 Canadian dollars per month (Ranging from 85 5.85 to 3 7.31), with an annual subscription price of 79 $ 99 (58 to 73 euros). Already registered users can see the increase in the price of subscriptions from May 15, while new users They are already paying this new fee.

Amazon Prime Boxes

As mentioned, this price increase is related With Amazon Prime contentSo we can already imagine global prices rising to offset the increase in investment in high-quality content such as the long-awaited Lord of the Rings series.

Other services like this are included Prime Music or Prime GamingSo it is very challenging to increase content on all fronts without increasing revenue and it is strange that the company did not start raising prices very soon.

Inflation in the United States was justified Increase in costs associated with logistics.

“With the continued expansion of the Prime Member benefits and the increase in wages and transportation costs, Amazon will increase the price of Prime members in the United States from $ 12.99 to $ 14.99 per month, and the annual membership will increase from $ 119 to $ 139.

This is the first time since 2018 (when it went from $ 99 to $ 119) that Amazon Prime has raised prices. For new Prime members, the price change will take effect on February 18, 2022, and for current Prime members after March 25, 2022, the new pricing will take effect from your next renewal date. “

Via: Gadget

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