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What to Do if Your Laptop Is Warm: 7 Useful Tips

What to Do if Your Laptop Is Warm: 7 Useful Tips

Is your laptop warming up a lot? Let’s understand what can be the cause and how to fix it. High temperature of the computer leads to improper functioning so that you cannot work, play at Bizzo Casino or even chat with friends. So it’s important to ensure normal conditions for its operation and temperature conditions of elements. Let’s find out how to understand what can be the cause of overheating and, most importantly, how to reduce the temperature.

External Signs of Laptop Overheating

Realizing that the computer is overheating is simple: it’s hot, it makes a lot of noise and often shuts down, hangs or reboots without reason. But there are other symptoms that indicate this problem. We’ve collected 7 popular signs:

  • If you put your hand on the device’s case on the side of the vents, it will be uncomfortable.
  • The noise of the fans won’t subside even when not in use. To cool the processor faster and get rid of hot air, the blades begin to work more intensively.
  • The hum of the coolers isn’t audible during active use. Even during normal operation, a quiet noise can be heard.
  • Sudden shutdown when performing tasks. This triggers the protection system, which protects the equipment.
  • Hang-ups and reboots. This is due to the technical setup of many devices when critical temperatures are reached.
  • Distorted picture. Overheating of the video card can provoke the occurrence of stripes, ripples and pixels.
  • Suspicious smell of burnt plastic.

Causes of Overheating and Ways to Solve the Problem

Seasonality of Use

When the microclimate in the room changes, the electronics react acutely by increasing the temperature. Therefore, during hot periods, coolers cannot cope with the high load and begin to overheat.

To keep your portable computer warm, keep it out of direct sunlight, turn on the air conditioner or connect other external cooling devices. For example, a laptop cooling stand.

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Poor Air Circulation Around the Cooling System

Most devices are cooled by blowing air through the radiator. Therefore, if you place it on upholstered furniture, this process won’t take place correctly.

For proper air circulation in the case, use your laptop on a smooth surface and move it away from the wall. This way you won’t block access to the coolers.

If you’re going to put your laptop on your lap, stock up on a solid stand to allow air to flow to the vents.

Loaded With Resource-intensive Tasks

At high load, the processor and graphics card generate a lot of heat. Therefore, when using “heavy” programs, the laptop can overheat. In order for the computer to function properly, it’s important to take breaks in work.

Give the processor a minimum of tasks: disable unnecessary apps and use programs that your laptop model can handle.

Dust Accumulation

Dust can accumulate inside your laptop and subsequently block air circulation. The load on the coolers increases if there are pets living in the house. In this case, the coolers will be forced to operate at maximum capacity while receiving a small load.

It’s possible to completely get rid of dust and hair if you disassemble the laptop. However, if it still has a warranty, it’s better to contact the manufacturer for warranty repair.

If there is no warranty, you can clean the device yourself. To do this, you will need: a brush, a cotton swab and a can of compressed air or a hair dryer with a cold air mode.

If you are afraid of breaking the components, contact a service center for cleaning.

Thermal Paste Is Dry

To improve heat dissipation, computer manufacturers apply thermal paste to the processor and graphics card chips. As you use your laptop, it dries out. This can cause the device to overheat.

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To ensure that your laptop functions properly, you should replace the thermal paste every 2-3 years.

To do this, you will need:

  • Disassemble the computer and remove some components of the device, which close access to the radiator.
  • Clean the components from the old thermal paste with a soaked napkin.
  • Spread a new portion of paste in a thin layer without skipping.
  • Put all the removed components back in place.

If you are afraid of damaging your computer, entrust the replacement of thermal paste to the specialists of the service center.

The Cooling System Has Failed

A large buildup of hair and dust inside your laptop can block the fan blades. The cooler stops working and the temperature of the device rises quickly.

If the laptop doesn’t make any noise during operation, the cooling system has failed.

You can make sure that the coolers are in good working order by means of a simple test:

  • Unplug the computer and remove the back cover.
  • Carefully place the device on a hard surface, boot it up and open 2-3 programs.
  • Assess how fast the cooler blades are moving by lifting the side where it’s located.

If the fan isn’t spinning or is running very slowly, and the temperature of the device is rising, the active cooling system needs to be repaired. Contact a service center to solve the problem promptly.

Installed Miners

Miners are malicious programs that use the computer’s power to mine cryptocurrency without the user’s consent. They overload the processor and video card, which directly affects the deterioration of the cooling system.

If the fan makes a lot of noise and hangs even when performing simple tasks, it’s worth checking the laptop to detect hidden miner programs. To detect and protect your laptop from malicious programs, use an antivirus.

Tips for Caring for Your Laptop

To eliminate the causes of laptop overheating, a comprehensive approach is important. Here are 7 working tips to help reduce the load on the processor.

  • Disable or uninstall programs that you don’t use. The list of such apps can be seen in Task Manager. If you don’t know what functions are assigned to each program, don’t touch them.
  • During the hot season, use an air conditioner or fan to cool the air in the room. In cold weather, don’t place the laptop near radiators or heat guns.
  • Don’t use your laptop in direct sunlight or on soft surfaces or your lap. Place it on a hard surface and don’t push it against a wall.
  • If you often work on your laptop in bed, get a cooling laptop stand. It’s not just for convenience. With its help, you can lower the temperature of the processor and provide a good air flow to the cooling system.
  • Once every 1-2 years, clean the cooler from dust and wool and replace the thermal paste on the chips of the processor and video card. If the warranty is valid – use the warranty card and contact the manufacturer. If there is no warranty, perform these manipulations on your own or contact service specialists.
  • Find out the maximum temperature level of the laptop using special programs. For example, Windows PowerShell, BIOS, or Aida64. Diagnostics will show how much the device overheats and which component is under heavy load. The information will come in handy when troubleshooting the problem yourself.
  • Check the device for hidden malicious programs that use the computer’s power to mine cryptocurrency without the user’s consent. You can detect and protect your laptop from miners with the help of antivirus.
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