March 4, 2025


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Elections Canada 2021 Live Today September 20 Justin Trudeau: Last Minute of Election Prime Minister’s Political Future Is In Danger |  Who won the election in Canada?  |  Erin O Tool |  The world

Elections Canada 2021 Live Today September 20 Justin Trudeau: Last Minute of Election Prime Minister’s Political Future Is In Danger | Who won the election in Canada? | Erin O Tool | The world

The next government Created by the Liberal Party , Who has won a third term as prime minister after a very tough campaign, was announced by the Canadian media on Monday.

The still undecided decision will not allow the Prime Minister to head a majority or minority government.

Identity: They throw stones at Justin Trudeau during a campaign trip

The third period for the liberal Or trading with moderate conservative Erin O’Toole? The They are going to the polls this Monday to decide who will form the next government in the uncertain general election.

In this very close race, voters will first vote in Newfoundland and Labrador on the Atlantic coast at 8:30 a.m. Monday (11:00 am GMT).

On the contrary, as Canada Of the six time zones, the last to vote was in the Pacific coastal province of British Columbia, where voting ends at 7:00 pm local time (0200 GMT Tuesday).

The 36-day campaign ended with the start of the bombing: with Trudeau’s speech, the outgoing prime minister asked Canadians to issue a new mandate to lead the country and get rid of the plague.

The president called early elections in mid-August to regain the majority he lost two years ago. But, according to opinion polls, he is losing his bet.

The erosion of power is felt, 2015’s “Trudomania” seems far away and its popularity has stagnated with 31% voting intentions. He is on the same level as his main rival, the conservative Erin O’Dool, who was not known to the general public until recently.

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Towards another minority

In 2019, these “completely failed” analysts say “most people seem to find it very difficult to reach.”

“It’s hard to imagine a hard jobFelix Mathieu, a professor of politics at the University of Winnipeg, told AFP.

On Sunday, the last day of the campaign, Justin Trudeau stopped nationwide.

In recent days he has been urging voters to vote strategically and promised that a return to power by the Conservatives would cause a setback for the country, especially when it comes to climate change.

On his side, Erin O’Toole, who was in the Toronto area on Sunday, pledged to represent renewal to Canadians and ran a determined central campaign.

Back to the beginning?

27 million Canadians over the age of 18 will be able to vote on Monday.

If the two major parties that have alternately come to power since 1867 are unable to win a majority of seats in parliament, the winner will have to form a minority government.

In this case, the future prime minister, liberal or conservative, will have to work with smaller parties to manage Ottawa.

One of them is Jagmeet Singh’s New Democratic Party (NDP, Left), which accounts for almost 20% of the vote. Or the Black Quebecos, led by the Yves-Franோois Blanchett, the Quebec Freedom Party.

Annami Paul’s Greens, the last major sport of the race, struggled to convey the message of climate emergency, while fighting for its own survival through unity, image and financial issues.

“The question was initially whether the Liberals were worthy of a majority government, but now it is questionable whether they deserve to be in power,” said Daniel Beland, a professor at McGill University.

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However, Monday night may require patience because there is a chance that the winner will not be known immediately, the EC explained.

Many Canadians have chosen to vote by mail and in some constituencies the result may be very close.

“It depends on how many constituencies contradict each other,” Delier said, adding that in recent weeks Canadians have questioned “Justin Trudeau’s leadership.”

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