March 4, 2025


Complete Canadian News World

Omigron |  Corona virus Canada |  Canadian influencers caught in Cancan test positive for Govt-19 |  Mexico |  EC Stories Description |  The world

Omigron | Corona virus Canada | Canadian influencers caught in Cancan test positive for Govt-19 | Mexico | EC Stories Description | The world

Passengers arranging a party on a plane A , Were stranded in Cancun on Thursday as three airlines refused to take them home, in defiance of all precautionary measures against the corona virus; In addition, according to a report from one of the passengers, many would have tested positive.

Rebecca St. Pierre, a 19-year-old student from Trois Rivieres, Quebec, told The Canadian Press that she had a positive test. Govit-19 Wednesday and she was isolated in Tulum, south of Cancun. He said he estimated that another 30 people on the plane had tested positive.

Saint-Pierre said he won the trip on a contest on Instagram and had never heard of the organizer being identified on social media. James William Avt.

I was looking forward to a sober week where I was going to be careful, but it turned out to be an expensive trip that was considered free., He said.

The woman admitted that the videos would give her an accurate picture of what happened on the five-hour flight to Cancun. He added that before the return trip, some Petroleum jelly was put on the nose to prevent Covit-19 tests.

Awad wrote on Twitter on Wednesday “Simple Party” He was behind the controversy on a flight. “I’ll sit down for a while and reconsider everything.” he said. “Especially next time how can you do better”Added.

Awadh, who runs the 111 Private Club, arranged the trip with a group.Influencers”From popular Quebec shows on social media and reality TV stars like Carl Saborin “The industry is twofold“And Sandrine Sequin and Anna-Mேlle Laprice appeared in the provincial edition”Island of Love “.

READ  COVID-19: Canada advises its citizens not to go abroad because of the Omigron variant of the corona virus

Sunwing Airlines canceled the return flight of the Canadians on Wednesday, while Air Transat and Air Canada refused to take them on board to ensure the safety of passengers and crew.

Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, As estimated on Wednesday “Fools”.

Videos of the December 30 flight shared on social media show unmasked passengers singing and dancing in the aisle and seats. In one video, cheerleaders pass a large bottle of vodka to each other, and it looks like a woman smoking an e-cigarette.

Canada’s Federal Minister of Transport Omar Alcabra, Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos and Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino released a joint statement on Tuesday.

Passengers violating Department of Transportation regulations will be fined, the report said 5 thousand Canadian dollars Per violation (US $ 3,930).

A. that the behavior of Trudeau passengers was irresponsible “Ft“To all of you who are adhering to public health regulations for the benefit of all,” he said in French, referring to travelers.Fools“Y”Barbarians”.


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