March 4, 2025


Complete Canadian News World

They identify the Peruvians who died in the sinking of a Spanish fishing boat in Canada

They identify the Peruvians who died in the sinking of a Spanish fishing boat in Canada

Forensic teams from Canada and Spain were able to identify nine people who died in the sinking of the Spanish fishing vessel Villa de Pitanxo in Canadian waters this Saturday, including five Spanish sailors, three Peruvians and one Ghanaian.

A team of psychologists specializing in disaster management, a government team in the Galicia region of northwestern Spain, and families were informed of where the fishery came from.

The dead were the ship’s cook, Fernando Santome; Miguel Lampress, a Peruvian sailor who survived the Covit-19 disease, and Rogelio Franco, a Peruvian aide and culinary assistant, said that if anything happened to him in Spain, his remains would be sent back to his home country. Or another place in the world.

They include Juan Antonio Cordero, the second boss, who had one more month to retire; Peruvian William Arevalo; Spaniard Ricardo Alfonso, shipwreck; Abana Belungo Jure and Hollywood greats Daniel More and Diego More – uncle and nephew who participated in Hollywood fishing for the first time in Newfoundland.

The Spanish ship Playa Menduiña Dos arrived in the port of San Juan de Terranova this Saturday, where Captain Juan Patin, his son-in-law Eduardo Rial and Samuel Kwesi from Ghana will undergo a medical examination; Seven more, two of whom had already been unloaded when the Nexus ship carrying them arrived on Friday.

According to a government delegation in Galicia, Pedro Sanchez’s executive will hire an A-400 from the Air Force this Sunday to return the bodies of the three survivors and nine dead. As much as possible.

The Government Mission in Galicia, on behalf of the Spanish Government, would like to thank the Canadian authorities and the Embassy for their “excellent work and commitment” and for their cooperation and coordination with the ship’s owner (Grubo Norse).

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Official mourning was announced across Spain next Monday, reiterating its “full support and condolences” to the families of the missing and deceased.

The Villa de Pitanxo in the Great Bank of Newfoundland, 460 kilometers east of San Juan, sank.

There was a group of 24 people in it, half of whom were missing.

On Wednesday, Canadian authorities decided to halt search and rescue operations 36 hours after the incident because half of the crew had no chance of surviving.

Victims want that monitoring to be reactivated as soon as the weather permits.