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Ukrainian forces fighting Vladimir Putin’s army in eastern Ukraine destroyed a “large” number of Russian armored vehicles The British Ministry of Defense said, Friday, during a failed attempt to cross a river by invading forces.
The ad comes after Ukraine released the photos It is said that it shows more than two dozen burnt-out Russian tanks and other armored vehicles scattered along the banks of the Siverskyi Donets. One of the images appears to show partially sunken pontoon bridges.
“Photos indicate that while crossing the Seversky Donets River west of Severodonetsk, Russia lost large armored maneuvering elements of at least one tactical battalion group as well as deployed pontoon bridge equipment,” the ministry said in a tweet.
The UK says the pontoon bridges were destroyed during the failed crossing.
(Ukrainian Ministry of Defense)
“Conducting river crossings in a contested environment is a very risky maneuver and speaks to the pressure on Russian leaders to advance their operations in eastern Ukraine,” the ministry added.
And it concluded that “the Russian forces failed to achieve any tangible progress despite the concentration of forces in this area after the withdrawal and redeployment of units from the Kyiv and Chernihiv states.”
Allegedly, Russian tanks and other vehicles were destroyed during the failed river crossing.
(Ukrainian Ministry of Defense)
In a tweet of its own, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry said, “Artillerymen from the 17th Tank Brigade of the #UAarmy Army opened the holiday season” for the Russian army, as “some bathed in the Seversky Donets River, others were burned by the May sun…”
Yesterday, the UK Ministry said that Russia’s withdrawal of its forces from a besieged Ukrainian region at the start of the war proves their “inability to take major Ukrainian cities”.
Other vehicles allegedly destroyed by the Ukrainian army in the area.
(Ukrainian Ministry of Defense)
The ministry said, in an intelligence update, that “Ukrainian forces continue their counter-offensive north of Kharkiv, recapturing several towns and villages towards the Russian border.”
“Despite Russia’s success in encircling Kharkiv in the early stages of the conflict, it was reported that it withdrew units from the region to reorganize and replenish its forces after heavy losses,” the ministry added.
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