March 4, 2025


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WATCH: Phillies’ Kyle Schwarber loses his mind, is fired after a bad third attack by Angel Hernandez

WATCH: Phillies’ Kyle Schwarber loses his mind, is fired after a bad third attack by Angel Hernandez

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Since it happened on April 24th, we can’t really say what’s best for this season, can we? We call this more of an expectation than an advertisement, in this case, because we doubt there could be a more enjoyable expulsion of a Major League Baseball player. Our hero will be here Phyllis slugger Kyle Schwarber. The offending party will be house referee Angel Hernandez.

Background: Both sides were unhappy with Hernandez due to his inconsistent hitting area throughout the game, which was nationally broadcast as ESPN’s Sunday Night Baseball. Schwarber himself was in an out-of-the-zone field at his former racket, so there was plenty of baggage here.

I also realize that this was the ninth round of the 1-0 match in which Velez was behind and the count was 3-2 (It will also end 1-0).

Take it away, Angel and Kyle.

Let’s break it down.

  1. Schwarber went right to take his base, but was taught by Hernandez.
  2. Schwarber knows right away that he’s been fired and plans to get his proverbial money’s worth. He slammed his racket and helmet, but seemed careful to make sure they didn’t go in Hernandez’s direction at all. It was very calculated for being an extremely hot parcel. Hernandez stopped his end of the bargain here by dumping Schwarber on the spot.
  3. Then Schwarber gives us the show we deserve, pointing out theatrically that Hernandez has missed his pitch… On this side of the board… This side of the board… Above the area… And both teams agree. Seriously, this is the best part of the expulsion process. While Schwarber was furious about the fate of their last two appearances on the panels, he still had the presence of my mind to indicate, “Hey, that’s not a selfish thing. I was horrible because both teams!

It’s rare to see a player hit all these notes in such a short period of time. Bonus points for not being contrived or overrated. Just a short and sweet epic performance.

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The only thing that let down was that Velez’ manager Joe Girardi was very annoyed, Although he said he was open to the bot area after the match. I think he thinks Schwarber has done enough to speak up for everyone. There is no argument there. It was a huge effort.