March 4, 2025


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Water Polo |  Olympic Games: Spain suffers heavily against Canada, but adds another win

Water Polo | Olympic Games: Spain suffers heavily against Canada, but adds another win


26/07/2021 –

An adjustment in security in the fourth quarter, The Canadian hover was very penetrating until that moment, finally being able to drop the score to zero for more than five minutes, saving Spain from drowning in the second match of the Olympics against Canada (14-10).

Despite the development called Water Polo The difference between the two teams in the US was inconsistent with what happened during the other three sets, in which Mickey Oka’s team could not be separated from their opponents by more than two goals. The Canadians also advanced 0-2 at one and a half minutes into the game.

The hand of Bee Artis and Anna Esper Spain held on until the break, at which point Roger Tarak and Paula Leighton began to look out the door.

Spain missed several shots (14/39), But he pushed the game forward to add a second win before changing the record as of Wednesday, where the enemy, the Netherlands, is growing in identity.

ESPAA, 14: Easter; A. Espoor (2), Artis (4), c. Espar, Pea, Tarak (3) and Leighton (3). Bach, Ruiz, Gonzalez, Forka (1) and Garga (1). Advantages: 6/8. Expelled: Bach

Canada, 10: C. Wright; e. Wright, Egens (1), Leme-Laoi (3), Christmas (2), Paul, La Roche (2). McKee, Crevier (1), Sohi, Pekasi, McKelvy (1). Superiodates: 4/8

Score: 4-3, 2-2, 3-2, 5-3

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