March 3, 2025


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WeCrashed is the weirdest podcast-to-TV pipeline yet

WeCrashed is the weirdest podcast-to-TV pipeline yet

If not already abundantly clear from Hulu leakage Showtime Super Pumping: Uber BattleApple TV Plus’ I crashed It is an inaccurate reminder of Hollywood’s current obsession with turning relatively recent news cycles focused on disgraced tech founders into high-profile dramas. I crashed It has enough in common with its peers that you can easily identify the emerging formula that the industry seems to be sticking to with these tweaks. But the new show has managed to bring something a little different to the table with a lineup of shows that are as unforgiving as they are great to watch, given who I crashed It revolves around and depicts them.

Based on the Wondery podcast of the same name, I crashed Co-authors Lee Eisenberg and Drew Crivello tell the story of how Adam Newman (Jared Leto) went from selling ill-fitting children’s clothing to building one of the world’s largest co-working companies, eventually being fired from the organization within a few years. The real Neumann is enough of a self-inflating character that it’s easy to imagine versions of this series that focus solely on him. But I crashed He knows how important the stories of Newman’s wife Rebecca (Anne Hathaway) and co-founder Miguel McKelvey (Kyle Marvin) are to understanding WeWork’s origins and culture and how a real estate company convinced everyone to see it as a multimillion-dollar tech company.

Since there were always people who might not have been necessarily following the news at the time, I crashed He tells the WeWork story by jumping between important points in the company’s history, beginning in 2019 – the year the WeWork board moved to remove Neumann from the CEO position. I crashed Neumann is first introduced at a time when I heard it As a persuasive orator and stubborn businessman he has been hit hard by widespread reports of things like Reckless WeWork Spendinga Sexual education in the workplaceAnd the A growing pile of lawsuits. Although the writing was on the wall for Neumann by 2019, I crashed It shows you how confident he is that he is still convinced he will lead WeWork to a successful IPO because it seems that this kind of unwavering belief in himself was one of his guiding principles as founder.

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Most of Newman’s classmates at Baruch College couldn’t help but laugh at that confidence when they listened to him years ago at one of his I crashedMany memories of the past. But that’s exactly what pushes McKelvie into his orbit and convinces him to take part in another joint venture that would serve as a precursor to WeWork. While I crashed Presenting her story generally in a way meant to be useful to those newly coming to the WeWork saga, Eisenberg and Crevello’s texts focus on Neumann’s interactions with those closest to him in order to establish the idea that his business success was an outgrowth of his desire to benefit people.

I crashedThe montage detailing McKelvey’s frenetic all-night movie that led to the creation of Greendesk feels very much part of the founder’s current portfolio of offerings. Here, though, the sequence also serves as one of many examples of Newman’s willingness to take credit for the work of others and how those around Newman often felt unable to speak for themselves.

Compared to Marvin McKelvey, who often feels as though he would be comfortable playing second fiddle in Leto’s cartoon, but not inaccurate, Newman encounters Hathaway as Rebecca Newman (née Paltrow, of those Paltrows), entering as an attendee who knows he can soon get to know her– The husband’s insatiable hunger for work as a truly red flag. Rebekah has some understanding of the emotional void that exists within Adam because it is something she has wrestled with herself, and I crashed It frames them as a couple bound together by a common attraction and a noticeable undercurrent of madness that shifts over time.

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I crashed Not too many scams post exactly to distract you from the fact that, structurally, it’s not much different than other software about founders. This is both because there is only so much reinventing the viable wheel when it comes to adapting real-world events in entertainment and because the stories of many unicorn companies have certain details in common, such as exaggerating founders’ promises in order to secure funds from investors.

what I crashed Gone for it – and the show cleverly tends to differentiate itself – is the fact that two of the actual people whose central characters are based are known to be somewhat eccentric in a way that makes both Hathaway and Leto more than just fun. With.

It can be tempting to explain I crashedNewman as Jared Leto Just Jared Leto in the name of art, his performance He is Legitimately impressive when compared to virtually any of the many Newman clips that can be found online. The same is true for Rebecca of Hathaway, who navigates through several unsatisfying and unsuccessful lives as a stock trader, yoga instructor, and actress, all while living in the shadow of her more successful cousin. Although Hathaway’s vocal imitation and her Newman-like demeanor are what immediately jumpstart, what ends up making her performance one of the I crashedThe bright spots are how the grotesque speaks of an emotional turmoil that Rebecca herself cannot express directly.

I crashed Not comedic, but there’s a comedic quality to the show, even at some of its most dangerous moments given how many of the people involved in the WeWork story acted in downright silly ways. Throughout the show, the truth about WeWork—the company that subletting office space—repeatedly penetrates the thick, opaque bubble of Newman’s distorted, real-world projects, and will leave you wondering why, exactly, these guys were charged so much money to do this. Running a business that is fundamentally uninnovative. I crashed It doesn’t exactly go so far as to make fun of the co-working industry, but the show wants you to think about how these types of companies come about and what types of people are allowed to be their agents.

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I crashed It also stars America Ferrera, Steven Boyer, OT Fagbenle, Shanti Ashanti, Eui-sung Kim and Cricket Brown. The first three episodes of the show are now streaming on Apple TV Plus.