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Wordle 354 Jun 8 Hints – Today’s Wordle Too Tricky?  spoiler-free CLUES TO HELP ANSWER |  Games |  entertainment

Wordle 354 Jun 8 Hints – Today’s Wordle Too Tricky? spoiler-free CLUES TO HELP ANSWER | Games | entertainment

If you’re a Wordle fan and have built a good winning streak, you don’t want a bad day to spoil your momentum. In fact, if you are struggling with Wordle 354 on June 8th, you are in the right place. Express Online has once again put together a selection of spoiler-free hints to help you solve your daily Wordle puzzle. Just head to the bottom of the page for some general advice, followed by some clues for June 8th.

While Wordle can be quite tricky, the concept itself is relatively simple. With the elimination process, you’ll need to figure out a five-letter word in just six guesses.

It’s all about the color of the tiles. If the letter box turns gray after one of your guesses, you can conclude that that particular letter does not appear in the word of the day.

If the tile turns yellow, it means that the letter is in the word, not in the right place, while the green tile means that the letter is in the word and in the correct position.

The goal is to solve each puzzle in the fewest number of guesses possible. You can then share your progress on social media, and show friends, family and random followers exactly how smart you are.

If you fail to solve the puzzle, you will have to wait until the next day for a new Wordle to be released. And since Wordle keeps track of your stats, failure means you lose your hard-earned streak – something you’ll be reminded of every time you log in.

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If you are good at Wordle and want to make things difficult, you can switch to hard mode by visiting the settings menu at the top right of the Wordle webpage. Or you can check out the famous Wordle clone Quordle, where you will need to guess four words in just nine attempts!

Keep reading for the latest Wordle hints (spoiler-free) for the June 8 puzzle…

General tips and advice about Wordle …

• Do not use the same letter twice in your opening guess.

• Try to use a couple of vowels in your first guess, especially “a” and “e”.

• Avoid letters such as “X”, “Z” and “Q” until later, when you have a better idea of ​​the answer.

• “RAISE” is a good word to start with, while “TOUCH” is a decent second guess. I also like to use the word “leverage” as an opening guess.

• Check out Express Online’s daily tips below…

Wordle 354 Hints and Clues for June 8th…

1. Wordle 354 begins with the letter T.

2. Wordle 354 contains two vowels.

3. A character appears twice.