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Canada green light for controversial North Atlantic oil project

Canada green light for controversial North Atlantic oil project

This content was released on 07 April 2022 – 03:39

Toronto (Canada), ap. 6 (EFE) .- The Government of Canada late on Wednesday approved the controversial oil project on the Newfoundland coast, advertised by the Norwegian company Equinor. Groups.

The Bay du Nord project involves the use of a type of large vessel called the FPSO, which will act as a drilling ground and storage plant.

The ship will be located about 500 kilometers east of the coast of Newfoundland in the North Atlantic and will have an oil production capacity of 200,000 barrels per day.

The Bay to Nord oil field is estimated to have a light oil reserve of 300 million barrels.

The announcement comes just days after the Canadian government unveiled its new climate action plan, which will reduce emissions from the country’s oil sector by 75% over the next eight years. Goals set for 2030.

In a statement announcing the project’s approval, Canada’s Environment Minister Steven Gilbiot said the Pay to Nord project would not have significant environmental impact and would meet 137 conditions.

One of the conditions set by the Canadian government is that by 2050 the project will have zero emissions.

But environmental groups and opposition groups criticized Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government’s decision, saying it was a “slap in the face” to deny that climate change was real.

Charlie Angus, deputy leader of the Social Democratic New Democratic Party (NPD), today condemned Guilbeaut because approval of the Bay du Nord plan was not mentioned in the climate action plan presented by the government last week.

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Angus stressed that the Trudeau government is “lying” to international organizations such as the UN when it approves mega oil projects while promising to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.

The Equinor Bay to Nord project expects to start oil production in 2028. EFE

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