Prime Minister Canada, Justin TrudeauIt was revealed this Monday that he had signed Corona virus (Govit-19After receiving a positive result in a test conducted this morning, but said he was fine and would continue to work remotely “following public health regulations”.
See: Confusion in Canada over truckers’ fight against compulsory vaccination against corona virus
Trudeau He reported the positive result through his Twitter account and asked Canadians to get vaccinated and get encouraging doses against the virus. Govit-19.
Own Trudeau There is a complete schedule of vaccination against Govit-19 As well as a booster dose.
Positive Trudeau Thousands of people have been protesting since the weekend against the policies and measures being followed in the Canadian capital. Canada To control infection.
The presence of active components of the vaccine resistance movement and other extremist groups occurs Trudeau And his family were moved from his official residence to an unknown safe place in Ottawa.
Last Thursday, the Canadian prime minister said he would begin a five-day isolation following rules established by health officials after close contact with an infected person.
“I feel good, I will work from home”He said TrudeauHe said he did a Rapid test and it came back negative.
A day later, on Friday, Trudeau revealed in an interview that one of his three children had been infected with the virus. Govit-19Which forced him to control himself.
Trudeau He was the third member of his family to suffer from this disease. At the start of the epidemic, Canadian politician’s wife Sophie Gregoire contracted the corona virus and recovered normally.
According to the criteria
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