March 4, 2025


Complete Canadian News World

Faucett plane missing in Canadian waters, in the same area where the recent Spanish fishing tragedy took place |  Accident |  90s decade |  Newfoundland |  Canada |  Spanish Fishing |  Peruvian team |  Tragedy |  nnsp |  |  Archive-Elcomarcio

Faucett plane missing in Canadian waters, in the same area where the recent Spanish fishing tragedy took place | Accident | 90s decade | Newfoundland | Canada | Spanish Fishing | Peruvian team | Tragedy | nnsp | | Archive-Elcomarcio

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Ten people have been killed so far in a shipwreck in the North Sea on February 15, 2022. The Villa de Pitanxo, a Spanish fishing vessel, sank in Newfoundland (Canada), leaving almost 24 of its crew, not only Spaniards, but also Peruvians and Ghanaians on the brink of death. The roughness of that sea in the north of the American continent tells the tragic story of a Boeing 727, a Fawcett plane that went missing on September 11, 1990, 180 miles southeast of the coast of Canada. This is near the area where the last accident took place.

Read more | The death toll from a Spanish shipwreck in Canada has risen to 10. The group includes Peruvians

The Tube plane A “Transfer plane“From Air Malta, Where employees of the company went to work due to a previously signed contract; For that reason they returned to Peru after completing their flight duties. The Boeing 727 Departed from Malta International AirportIs known as “Valletta Airport”, And a few stops, first Milan (Italy), then inside London (England), and continued Iceland.

Near his next stop Gander International Airport, Newfoundland (Canada), The tragedy occurred, the plane was lost and anchored in the cold waters of the North Sea. They were aboard the Faucett, that is September 11, 1990, Sixteen residents (10 passengers and six crew, including one child). There were 18 people at the start of the trip, but two of them left the plane by the time they stopped.

The first message stated that 18 people were missing, but later confirmed that two levels went down.  (Photo by: GEC Archive)
The first message stated that 18 people were missing, but later confirmed that two levels went down. (Photo by: GEC Archive)

The news of the disappearance of the Boeing 727 was given on the same day. Your emergency was announced at 1 and 11 pm (Peruvian time); And the next day, September 12, Trade He pointed out what was believed to be true until then: a strong “return wind” would have caused the plane to crash 180 miles away. Southeast of Cape Race, Newfoundland (Canada).

Meanwhile, in Lima, Faucett’s international inventory manager, Hernan Vasquez GrantaHe described to the press the number of occupiers, including relatives of the film crew. Apparently, the route from Iceland to Canada (Arctic) is much safer. This is not a commercial aircraft, and what it is Boeing His final stage was to go to Canada to refuel Miami (USA) and from there Lime, Peru.

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Since it was a new aircraft purchased, technical glitches were ruled out $ 25 million In the United States 1987, And flew with some passengers. Too, In the first hours of the disaster, it was hoped that crew and passengers (16 in total) would still be found alive.Because Fawcett’s plane was able to float in the water for a while and had four rubber boats that could carry 35 people each.

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Edition of the Peruvian Embassy in Montreal, John GarlandWith 200 miles to reach the Canadian coast, crews said they had run out of fuel, which was another possible cause of the plane crash.

Image of a damaged aircraft purchased in the United States in 1987.  After operating in Peru, it was leased to Air Malta.  (Photo: GEC History Archive)
Image of a damaged aircraft purchased in the United States in 1987. After operating in Peru, it was leased to Air Malta. (Photo: GEC History Archive)

The damaged aircraft was capable of carrying 170 people. It was initially imposed on domestic routes such as Lima-Cusco and later on international flights to the United States. It was contracted with Malta to take the plane to those destinations, which was badly received by the pilots of the national plane in June of the same year.

What came next: The Fawcett plane was swallowed by the sea

It became known to governments two days after the accident Britain Y United States Help search for Peruvian aircraft. Canada accepted the permanent search. Everyone believed the ship had crashed in a hurry in the middle Atlantic, At least that was pointed out by the radio shortly before the group lost contact. That’s why time was money. They could not take much time to find them as the chances of survival would be reduced to a minimum after a few days.

More info | Fawcett: 1991 was the day 127 people died on a hijacked plane in Lima

The entire search is concentrated in the southeastern part of Newfoundland (Canada) and covers an area of ​​500 thousand square kilometers. There were moments of deceptive hope with testimonies of “lights at night”, the darkness of the sea or the tense radio “signs of suffering”. The North Atlantic regionWith waves up to two meters, there was the hornet’s nest of planes and ships, which crossed it without end.

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Map of Fawcett's Boeing 727 crashed area beyond Newfoundland (Canada) in the Atlantic Ocean.  (Photo-chart: GEC History Archive)
Map of Fawcett’s Boeing 727 crashed area beyond Newfoundland (Canada) in the Atlantic Ocean. (Photo-chart: GEC History Archive)

The terrible north wind, which struck the planes, was again spoken of as a possible cause of B’s ​​emergency outburst.Oeing 727 from Faucett. The same wind made it much harder to find the unhappy plane.

The September 14, 1990, three days after the accident, Trade One complaint stated: “They were never used Boeing 727 On the trails across the continent, ”read the headline. It was pointed out that its low capacity to store fuel necessitated this blockade. Got information Canadian Press In the newspapers ‘The Gazette’`Press Y `The Globe and Mail ‘.

read more: Faucett: The first commercial aircraft built in South America was made in Peru, which is its story

It was also reported thatSniper helicopters“In Canadian Coast Guard They cooperated in the rescue operation Peruvian Boeing. But, unfortunately for the team, the weather conditions got worse with thicker low fog and everything got even harder.

Within days, in Lima, Faucett officials began to show signs of resigning. One even ruled that “unfortunately the accident happened.” The same authorities, in fact, admitted that such an aircraft (Boeing 727) was not used on intercontinental routes due to its low fuel efficiency.

Gladys Colonia, one of the Peruvian citizens, landed at a stop on Fawcett's plane in Milan.  He lost his brother-in-law on a plane he was traveling in with his wife and daughter.  (Photo: GEC History Archive)
Gladys Colonia, one of the Peruvian citizens, landed at a stop on Fawcett’s plane in Milan. He lost his brother-in-law on a plane he was traveling in with his wife and daughter. (Photo: GEC History Archive)

However, they defended themselves by saying that it was a plane Fawcett He was on a non-commercial return flight and was frequently used by aircraft no shorter distances than the 727. The crashed plane from Iceland would sometimes have forced the pilots to divert and consume reserve fuel.Calculates that they will be provided Canada. But that time did not exactly suit the film crew. There is no hope that they will be alive by then.

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However, the Canadian government has promised to pursue the rescue until the end of the year. The September 15, 1990The front page of the newspaper said: “Canada promises not to give up looking for Fawcett aircraft”. They extended the length of the search to about 775 thousand kilometers. By sea and plane, about 290 kilometers southeast of Cape Race in Newfoundland, work has not stopped from where the last call for help came.

See also | Secrets of Elmer Fawcett and his other talents: Motorsport

I thought for a moment that part of the plane had been found in a part of the ocean, but that was not true. The wreckage of the recovered aircraft belonged to another ship damaged. It was as if the sea had swallowed them.

However Canadian authorities 15 to 20 days search already proposed September 20, 1990Nine days after the tragic event, aquatic studies in Canada were halted by a rescue team that realized it was already impossible to find someone alive. The resolution was discussed Canada Rescue CenterIssued a statement on this.

The Canadian Transport Safety Board (TSB) has warned that Fawcett’s plane may have sunk at sea. In the end, the main pilot was blamed for the crash: bad flight planning would have cost him and his 15 comrades in tragedy.

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