July 27, 2024


Complete Canadian News World

Canadian travelers need the Covit-19 vaccine

Canadian travelers need the Covit-19 vaccine

  • Travelers in Canada should get the Govt-19 vaccine soon.
  • The government will also ask employees in the aviation, rail and shipping sectors.
  • “Every person in Canada has enough to be fully vaccinated across the country,” said Health Minister Patti Hajdu.

Canada announced on Friday that commercial jet passengers, cruise passengers and interstate train passengers should soon receive the Covit-19 vaccine.

The new order will take effect this fall, by the end of October, one step further Government Press Release.

The government will also require employees in the federally regulated aviation, rail and shipping sectors to be vaccinated.

There is enough in Canada That is why every person is fully vaccinated across the country, ”said Health Minister Patti Hajdu.

“By being vaccinated, you are protecting yourself, your family, and your community … if you have not yet been vaccinated, Make a plan to do it.

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