A video showing abandoned room blocks being built was aired on social media. The video explains: “Canadians destroy an isolated camp within an hour of Ottawa.”
Publications that share the video on various profiles, pages and public groups generate over 1,300 views in 24 hours each.
But, the information spread is false.
Viral video on social networking site Facebook. Source: Capture LR, Facebook.
The Ottawa Department of Public Health has clarified that there is no such thing as an isolation center as shown in the video.
The Department of Public Health in Ottawa, Canada clarified Newtral.es The connection made by users of social networking sites between abandoned housing boxes and citizens of the city of Ottawa is misleading.
“The Ottawa Public Health Department is not aware of any such incident,” a health agency spokesman said. Similarly, the official said there is no such facility in Canadian territory as shown in the shared video.
In that region, as in other countries, including Peru, there are only temporary “voluntary isolation centers” in hotels.
In other words, the Health Commission in the Canadian capital denies that there is a special area for isolation when infected with COVID-19.
The construction shown in the video is similar to the temporary isolation camp built in January 2022 in Henan, China.
The Republican inspector carried out a reverse search of images of video frames aired on social networks by Yandex tool and found a similar isolation zone that began to form in January of this year.
January 20, 2022, mid CGTN China’s central province of Henan has said it is working to complete the construction of a temporary isolated complex within five days.
According to the outlet, there have been 433 cases of the Omigron variant since the first case was reported on January 8, 2022, in Anyang. So, the city builds campus to prevent it from spreading. .
Temporary Isolation Complex in Henan, China. This environment was created in January 2022 due to the development of cases of omigron variant. Source: Capture LR, CGDN.
Temporary Isolation Complex in Henan, China. This environment was created in January 2022 due to the development of cases of omigron variant. Source: Capture LR, CGDN.
Coincidentally, the images shown in the video can be compared to the temporary isolation center in Henan, China, on social networks.
Comparison between images spread on social networks (left) and images of the Henan (right) establishment in China. Source: Capture LR, Facebook, CGDN.
Also, medium Xinhua He also showed a photo gallery of the construction process of the isolated center on January 16, 2022, and said that about 5,000 private temporary spaces are expected to be built to cope with the recent renaissance of COVID-19.
The picture, released by Xinhua on January 16, 2022, shows the construction process of the isolation center for Kovit-19. Source: Capture LR, Xinhua.
So, the clip that aired on the social networking site Facebook may have been recorded in China last January. Not in Canada and did not show where it was destroyed.
It is a misconception that the viral video shows a destroyed isolated camp in Ottawa, Canada. The authorities of the particular area do not approve the facilities and in addition, they confirm that there is no similar construction in the country as isolation is carried out in the hotels.
On the other hand, although the exact origin of the video has not been found, a makeshift complex for Kovit-19 isolation was built in January 2022 in Henan, China, which has the same characteristics as the clip on Facebook.
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