March 11, 2025


Complete Canadian News World

Police shoot dead a gunman near an elementary school in Canada

Police shoot dead a gunman near an elementary school in Canada

Police shoot dead a gunman near an elementary school in Canada
Police shoot dead a gunman near an elementary school in Canada

A man has been shot dead by Canadian police near a Toronto elementary school. Two days later, a young man killed 19 children and two teachers at a Texas school (USA).

Police told a news conference this Thursday at 1:00 pm local time (5:00 pm GMT). Many said there was a man armed with a gun near a school in western Toronto.

Shortly afterwards, an officer shot and killed the man. Police, who did not identify the deceased, only said he was a young man wearing a white hat and jacket..

Toronto Police Chief James Ramer The incident has come as a shock to students, teachers and parents. Especially after the recent shootings in the American cities of Buffalo and Uvalde.

The security forces did not release the identity of the deceased, but only that it was a young man wearing a white hat and jacket.
The security forces did not release the identity of the deceased, but only that it was a young man wearing a white hat and jacket.

The presence of the armed man forced many schools in western Toronto to enforce emergency regulations and keep students indoors until police ensure there is no danger.

Authorities believe the incident was an isolated case, but police will be on patrol to appease the neighbor.

News in Texas

President of the United States, Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden will travel to the city of Wolde, Texas on Sunday to “mourn the community who lost 21 lives in the horrific elementary school shooting.”The White House said in a brief statement Thursday.

“The Second Amendment is not complete,” Biden announced Wednesday. When calling for new limits on guns after the massacre.

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When the legislation was passed, he said, “You can’t have artillery. You can’t have some kind of weapon. There were always limitations.

Biden made his remarks before signing an executive order with the police at the White House Second Anniversary of George Floyd.

He said the first lady was going to Texas with Jill Biden. In the coming days “we will bring some comfort to the community.”

“In the next few days we will travel to Texas to meet with families … and hope to bring some comfort to the traumatized, injured and traumatized community.” The president said this Wednesday while submitting an executive order to reform the federal security forces’ protocols. The White House later confirmed that it was Sunday.

(With information from EFE)

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