October 3 is not night Common In Ruth Hamilton’s life, she woke up early, after her dog barked, like Explosion. When he turned off the light he saw something Surprise And terrifying.
He actually saw two remarkable things. First, a hole in the ceiling and second, a foreign object in his pillow. In the midst of his bewilderment, the Canadian made a phone call to the emergency room in his hometown in the province of British Columbia.
“God, there’s a rock in my bed!” The 66-year-old woman shouted at the call. After a while he discovered that the rock did not belong to this world, At least not from this planet: it did not hurt her fortunately because it was a fist-sized meteorite.
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“You’re sleeping in your bed, suddenly a meteorite can kill you”Hamilton told Canadian television CBC.
Golden city, a quiet city with a population of about 4 thousand people Mouth of half the world after the extraordinary event: the meteor that interrupted the neighbor’s sleep.
According to local media, around 11:30 pm, several people in the city Those who were awake saw fireballs crossing the sky of their quiet city.
No one could have imagined that he would end up in Mrs. Hamilton’s bed.
“It looks surreal,” Hamilton said in an interview with the New York Times. “Then I go inside and look at the room. Yes, there’s one more hole in the ceiling. Yes, it happened.”
According to Peter Brown, a professor at the University of Western Ontario, the rock was real “A meteorite from an asteroid.” Also, according to Brown, the probability that a meteorite will enter someone’s home and hit their bed is one in 100 billion.
“My granddaughters can say their grandmother was killed by a meteorite in her own bed,” says Hamilton.
However, many times meteorites that go to Earth If they are not large, the atmosphere pulverizes them. However, not enough land and meteorite will change.
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