October 26, 2024


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The tragic history of Indigenous residential schools in Canada

The tragic history of Indigenous residential schools in Canada

(CNN Espasol) – For 165 years and until 1996, Native Residential Schools were the first nations to forcibly separate Medes and Inuit children from their families, subjecting them to malnutrition and physical and sexual abuse. Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada This was called “cultural genocide” in 2015.

During this time, the Canadian government and the church jointly operated 150 schools, including about 150,000 tribal minors.

In an apology from Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in 2008, the politician pointed out that these schools were “intended to divide and isolate children”. [indígenas] From the influence of their homes, families, traditions and cultures, incorporate them into the dominant culture “, under the assumption that tribal cultures are inferior and unequal.

“In fact, some people tried to kill a child in India,” as the saying goes. “This integration policy is wrong, it has done great harm, and today we feel it has no place in our country,” Harper said.

Recent events

Between May and July, about 1,000 unmarked graves were found in former boarding schools in British Columbia and Saskatchewan, which were primarily run by the Catholic Church and funded by the government.

Chief Minister, Said Justin Trudeau The findings of the two former detainees “reaffirm” the fact that families, survivors and tribal communities “have known for a long time” that “the government will continue to provide funding and resources to bring these horrific mistakes to light”. “.

“They are a shameful reminder of the systematic racism, discrimination and injustice that the tribal people in this country continue to face, and we must acknowledge this fact, learn from our past and walk the shared path of reconciliation so we can create a better future.” Trudeau said in a statement.

The government acknowledges that the effects of the tribal residential school system have been very negative and that they have had a lasting and detrimental impact on the tribal community.

Canada is preparing to discover more mass graves in the coming months as dozens of tribal communities are expected to allocate financial and technical support to alumni research.

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The Church’s answer

From the late 1800s to 1996 there were at least 130 schools operating throughout Canada, many of which were run by the Catholic Church or the federal government.

Two Catholic religious groups, known as the Oblets, which have been involved in running several residential schools in Canada, including Mariwal and Kamloops, have stated they would like to publish all historical documents related to their involvement.

“We deeply regret our involvement in residential schools and the damage they have done to tribal peoples and communities,” the groups said in a statement.

Catholic leader Catamus Delorme told reporters on June 25 that it was time for the Catholic Church, especially Pope Francis, to apologize to the tribal communities, saying “forgiveness is one of the many stages of the journey. This apology is in line with the call for action number 58 established in the statement.” Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, A commission established in 2008 for the purpose of documenting the impact of Canadian Indigenous residential schools on students and their families.

The first group of nations, the Medes and the Inuit, will meet with the pope from December 17 to 20, According to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB).


July 1, 2021: During Canada Day, Protesters tear down statues of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II In the Canadian city of Winnipeg, anger is growing over the discovery of the remains of hundreds of children in unnamed graves in former Indian schools.

June 29, 2021: Canadian authorities are investigating several fires Destroyed four Catholic churches In the native lands. Churches were destroyed after hundreds of human remains were recently discovered in former boarding schools run by Catholic religious groups.

June 24, 2021: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Issued a statement He said he was saddened by the discovery of the remains of children near the former Marival Residential School in Saskatchewan.

“No child should be separated from their families and communities and deprived of their language, culture and identity. No child should have subjected their precious youth to terrible loneliness and abuse. No child should have spent his last moments where he was. He lived in fear that his family would never see him again.” Their children should not be robbed of the laughter and joy of playing, and they should be proud to see them grow in their community, ”he said.

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The President assured that Canada was responsible for the suffering and trauma of the indigenous people and that the government would provide the necessary evidence to expose these injustices.

June 2021: Covessus is the first country, at least found 750 unmarked graves in the grounds Of the former Marywell Indian Residential School in Saskatchewan County, Canada.

Mayo 2021: The Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc community in the interior of southern British Columbia has issued a confirmation statement The remains of 215 children were found Students at Kamloops Indigenous Residential School.

November 24, 2017: Trudeau, On behalf of the Canadian government, he formally apologizes to the indigenous people of Newfoundland and Labrador for their boarding school system, which has alienated children from their families, culture and religion.

2015: Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Issued a statement Describes the damaging traditions of the country’s boarding school system.

June 11, 2008: The Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper has apologized to alumni of tribal residential schools on behalf of the Government of Canada. “The government now acknowledges that the effects of the Indigenous Residential Schools policy have been very negative and that this policy has had a long – lasting and detrimental impact on tribal culture, tradition and language,” it said. Read the report.

September 1, 2007: Coming into effect Compromise agreement for domestic residential schools (IRSSA) It provides compensation for older students.

1996: Gordon’s boarding school in Punch, in Saskatchewan, the last facility run by the federal government, has been closed.

1960: With completion Residential schools, Provincial and federal social workers placed tribal children in foster care or for adoption in non-tribal families in the United States and Canada.

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1930: More than 80 Indigenous residential schools operate across Canada. More than 17,000 children have been registered.

1920: Under the guidance of Duncan Campbell Scott, Deputy Superintendent of the Department of Indian Affairs, an amendment has been made to Indian law making it compulsory for all first-year children between the ages of 7 and 16 to attend residential schools. This principle was applied contrary to the Medis and Inuit children as well.

Said Scott: “I want to get rid of the Indian problem. In fact, I do not think the country should continue to protect a class of people who can stand alone. Our goal is to continue as long as there is not a single Indian in Canada who is not physically involved in politics. Q., or an Indian department, is the full subject of this bill. “

1883: They authorize the creation of a residential school system to connect tribal people to the Colonial community through education. This system relied solely on churches to provide religious teachers, administrators, and educators. According to Facing organization and history, The organization was marked by funding and low educational levels.

1876: Indigenous law has been introduced with the aim of eradicating the culture of the first countries in support of the unification of Euro-Canadian society.

1842-1844: The report of the Bagot Commission is submitted to the Legislature. The report proposes that separating tribal children from their parents is the best way to remove them from their traditional way of life and integrate them into Euro-Canadian culture.

1831: Mohawk, based in Brandford, Upper Canada, is the first school in the country’s residential school system.

January 21, 1620: From the early 17th century to the 19th century, religious commandments ran missionary schools for aboriginal children that would be the forerunners of the Government of Canada’s residential school system.

The report was co-authored by Dave Alsub, Rebecca Rice, Nicole Chavez and Paula Newton.